By the river, Ghent, Belgium

Gastronomic Ghent: a rising star for food

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I decided to extend an already lengthy train trip to Benelux so that I could spend a few days in Ghent.

The reason?

I spotted this new food movement, The Gelinaz, and I wanted to be there to check it out.

Ghent on the map seemed full of cathedrals and museums. And it was. Out of the blue, it seemed, there was this food movement. Sadly, as these things go, The Gelinaz never happened for me. Instead, I was happy to have found a gastronomic city that I hadn’t anticipated. (Click to read my post on Yahoo)

Somewhere along my six day journey travelling through Luxembourg, The Hague, and Antwerp, I picked up a copy of Flemish Kitchen Rebels. It was a guide to the rising stars in Flemish cuisine. Included were some well known names, arguably already stars, and others yet to reach the top.

With that as my guide, I made my reservations.

Here’s a snapshot of Ghent’s refined dining (though my one regret was not being able to check out J.E.F.):


De Vitrine


Download “Snapshot of… Ghent” for all the basics to start planning your journey

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