Editorial policy

Alright, so you want to know about the editorial policy of this website. Well, here it goes.

Integrity and disclaimer

The majority of the content on this site is curated as a result of my journalism work while others are as a result of independent travel.

For assignments, I am sometimes fully hosted, partially supported and occasionally allowed expenses.

As the content is not exclusive to Culture Explorer, I haven’t indicated the instances where I’ve been a guest.

Neither have I explicitly specified when I’ve been an independent traveller as it’s not always appropriate or integral to the story.

Where a post is exclusively for Culture Explorer however, this is made explicit in the first instance of publication.

I may write about some aspect of the trip months or perhaps years after the first post and in this case, I feel that it’s no longer relevant to make an explicit declaration.

Needless to say, my opinions are my own and do not reflect that of my host.

Affiliate links

There are no paid-for links on this website but there are affiliate links.

That is to say, if you do buy something through an affiliate link, I may receive a small commission which helps to keep this site ticking along.

These links are always marked with an *.

Any sponsored content on the site are clearly marked as such, as indeed will any other affiliation when relevant.

The display advertising is served by Google and you can find out more about this in the section on Privacy Policy.

For PRs and marketeers

This website is run in conjunction with In Pursuit of Food, which means that content is frequently shared between the two.

What does this mean in reality?

For example, on a trip, I’ll visit a restaurant and that will go on In Pursuit of Food.

But I might also spot something not related to food and write about that on Culture Explorer.

The output of the content might span months but it paints more or less a complete picture.

If it sounds like it works for you too, you can find all the ways of getting in touch with me on my contact page.