Qin Xie with kangaroos

About me

Culture Explorer is run by me, Qin Xie, an award-winning food and travel writer based in London.

This has been my dream day job for over a decade. In that time, I’ve been on hundreds of trips around the world – including three continents in one day on two back-to-back trips.

I’ve also written thousands of stories for publications such as The Times, The Telegraph, Conde Nast Traveller and National Geographic Traveller. If you’re curious, you can check out my portfolio here.

As an aside, I’m also a trained chef, though I don’t spend much time in the kitchen these days. I do, however, occasionally write a food blog called In Pursuit of Food.

My travels in numbers

Visited… 68 countries/territories.

Been to… 6 continents.

Lived in… 4 countries.

About Culture Explorer

Culture Explorer is a place for all of the stuff that doesn’t go into print.

It’s the practical stuff, like packing lists and trip planning.

It’s the reviews, including why I pick a hotel or a tour.

And it’s all the stuff in between, from books to gear to… just about everything really.

Welcome to Culture Explorer, start exploring here.

How I travel

I cover mostly long haul destinations, which means I fly a lot.

So much so, I’m currently a Silver member of the British Airways Executive Club*, and was briefly a Silver member of Virgin Atlantic’s Flying Club* at the same time.

And because I travel a lot, I consider myself a part-time digital nomad.

I don’t have a favourite place that I always go to, and instead prefer to explore new places as much as I can. That said, there are a couple of places that I keep revisiting, and plenty more that I’d love to go back to.

For work, much of what I cover can be described as high end or luxury. For my personal travels, I like to do the same, but at a much less extravagant scale.

Either way, I want to see and do as much as possible in each place, and learn about the way people live.

What I like

Here are some of the things I like to include on my trips:

  • Hiking, on mostly gentle trails
  • Kayaking, in urban and wild settings
  • Snorkelling, but I’m PADI certified too
  • Lived-in cities, with a real soul about them
  • Hotels, offering more than just a room for the night
  • Small museums, that go big and bold on their singular niche
  • Big galleries, showcasing mind-altering modern and contemporary art
  • Restaurants, from well-known chefs and outstanding hole-in-the-wall joints